Birken- oder Nierenfleck-Zipfelfalter (Thecla betulae)
Allgemeine Informationen
Name: |
Birken-Zipfelfalter, Nierenfleck-Zipfelfalter, Nierenfleck (D), Brown Hairstreak (UK), Thècle du bouleau (F) |
Familie: |
Bläulinge ((Lycaenidae) |
Vorkommen: |
Europa, Asien |
Lebensraum: |
Laubwaldränder und Obstbäume |
Flügelspannweite: |
40-50 mm |
Der Birkenzipfelfalter oder Nierenfleck-Zipfelfalter (Thecla betulae) ist ein tagaktiver Schmetterling aus der Familie der Bläulinge (Lycaenidae). Zipfelfalter heißen die Angehörigen dieser Faltergruppe wegen ihrer schwänzchenartigen Verlängerung am unteren Rand der Hinterflügel. Das Weibchen hat auf den Vorderflügeln einen breiten orangefarbenen Nierenfleck. Beim Männchen fehlt er. Die Unterseite des Birkenzipfelfalters ist intensiv orangebraun mit weißen, einseitig schwarzgerandeten Bändern, die keilförmig aufeinander zulaufen. Die Flügelspannweite beträgt 40 – 50 mm.
Quelle: Reichholf, Josef H., Schmetterlinge – Treffsicher bestimmen in drei Schritten, BLV Buchverlag GmbH & Co KG, München (2012), S. 68.
Thecla acameda Hewitson 1867
Thecla acaste Prittwitz, 1865
Thecla acastoides Berg 1882
Thecla acontius Goodson 1945
Thecla actaeon Fabricius 1775
Thecla adachii Matsumura 1929
Thecla adela Staudinger 1888
Thecla adenostomatis Edwards 1877
Thecla admsi Druce 1909
Thecla adria Hewitson 1873
Thecla adunca Draudt 1921
Thecla aegides Felder 1865
Thecla aeone Leech 1893
Thecla aepea Hewitson 1874
Thecla aepeona Draudt 1920
Thecla aetolus Sulzer 1776
Thecla aganippe Goodson 1945
Thecla agrippa Fabricius 1793
Thecla aguaca Draudt 1920
Thecla aholiba Hewitson 1867
Thecla albata Felder and Felder 1865
Thecla albolineata Lathy 1936
Thecla albovirgata Oberthür
Thecla alcestis Grose-Smith 1889
Thecla alda Hewitson 1868
Thecla alihoba Staudinger 1894
Thecla alpeona Draudt 1921
Thecla amatista Dognin 1895
Thecla ambrax Westwood [1851]
Thecla americensis Blanchard 1852
Thecla amethystina Hayward 1950
Thecla amphrade Schaus 1913
Thecla amplitudo Druce 1907
Thecla amplus Druce 1907
Thecla amyntor Cramer 1779
Thecla anacreon Fabricius 1793
Thecla angelia Hewitson 1874
Thecla angerona Godman & Salvin 1896
Thecla angusta Lathy 1936
Thecla anna Druce 1907
Thecla annulatus Gmelin 1788/91
Thecla anthora Hewitson, 1877
Thecla antigua Comstock & Huntington 1943
Thecla antinous Felder & Felder 1865
Thecla aon Lucas 1856
Thecla aphaca Hewitson 1867
Thecla aprica Möschler 1883
Thecla arachne Goodson 1945
Thecla arcula Druce 1907
Thecla arene Goodson 1945
Thecla arenicola Jörgensen 1934
Thecla ares Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla argentinensis Clench 1946
Thecla argerona Hewitson 1877
Thecla argiva Hewitson 1877
Thecla argona Hewiston 1874
Thecla arindela Hewitson 1874
Thecla arja Hewitson 1874
Thecla armilla Druce 1907
Thecla arogeus Cramer 1782
Thecla arola Hewitson 1868
Thecla arpoxais Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla arpoxida Draudt 1920
Thecla arria Hewitson 1870
Thecla aruma Hewitson 1877
Thecla arza Hewitson 1874
Thecla asa Hewitson 1868
Thecla assula Draudt 1922
Thecla atena Hewitson 1867
Thecla atesa Hewitson 1867
Thecla athymbra Hewitson 1867
Thecla atilla Oberthür 1913
Thecla atrana Schaus 1902
Thecla atrius Herrich-Schäffer 1853
Thecla attalion Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla atymna Hewitson 1870
Thecla atys Cramer 1782
Thecla auda Hewitson 1867
Thecla augusta Lathy 1936
Thecla augustula Kirby 1877
Thecla aunus Cramer 1775
Thecla aura Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla aurantiaexcessa Tutt
Thecla aurarina Draudt 1919
Thecla aurora Druce 1907
Thecla aurugo Draudt 1921
Thecla autoclea Hewitson 1877
Thecla autolycus Edwards, 1871
Thecla avaloma Wright 1906
Thecla avoca Hewitson 1867
Thecla azaria Hewitson 1869
Thecla azia Hewitson 1873
Thecla azuba Hewitson 1874
Thecla azurinus Butler & Druce 1872
Thecla bacis Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla bactriana Hewitson 1868
Thecla badaca Hewitson 1868
Thecla badeta Hewitson 1873
Thecla bagrada Hewitson 1868
Thecla balzabamba Goodson 1945
Thecla barajo Reakirt 1866
Thecla barba Druce 1907
Thecla basalides Hübner 1837
Thecla batesii Hewitson 1865
Thecla bathildis Felder & Felder 1865
Thecla bathis Fabricius 1781
Thecla bazochii Godart 1823
Thecla bebrycia Hewitson 1868
Thecla beera Hewitson 1868
Thecla bellus Hübner
Thecla bellusbipunctatus Tutt
Thecla bellusexcessus Tutt
Thecla bellusunipunctatus Tutt
Thecla bennetti Dyar 1913
Thecla beon Cramer 1782
Thecla bertha Jones 1912
Thecla besidia Hewitson 1868
Thecla bethulia Hewitson 1869
Thecla betulae Linnaeus 1758
Thecla betulina Staudinger 1887
Thecla bianca Möschler 1883
Thecla biangula Schaus 1902
Thecla biblia Hewitson 1868
Thecla bicolor Philippi 1859
Thecla bilix Draudt 1921
Thecla bimaculata Möschler 1876
Thecla binangula Schaus 1902
Thecla biston Möschler 1876
Thecla blenina Hewitson 1868
Thecla bolima Schaus 1902
Thecla bosora Hewitson 1870
Thecla bouvieri Lathy 1936
Thecla boyi Röber 1931
Thecla brasiliensis Talbot 1928
Thecla brillantina Staudinger 1887
Thecla brocela Dyar 1913
Thecla bubastus Cramer 1782
Thecla buccina Druce 1907
Thecla buphonia Hewitson 1868
Thecla burica Dyar 1914
Thecla buris Druce 1907
Thecla busa Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla caerulescens Motschulsky 1866
Thecla caesaries Druce 1907
Thecla caespes Druce 1907
Thecla calatia Hewitson 1873
Thecla calesia Hewitson 1870
Thecla callirrhoe Goodson 1945
Thecla calor Druce 1907
Thecla caltha Druce 1907
Thecla calus Godart 1823
Thecla camissa Hewitson, 1870
Thecla campa Jones 1912
Thecla canacha Hewitson 1877
Thecla candidus Druce 1907
Thecla caninius Druce 1907
Thecla canitus Druce 1907
Thecla canus Druce 1907
Thecla capeta Hewitson 1877
Thecla caramba Clench 1944
Thecla caranus Cramer 1780
Thecla cardus Hewitson 1874
Thecla carla Schaus 1902
Thecla carnica Hewitson 1873
Thecla carolena Hewitson 1874
Thecla carpasia Hewitson 1868
Thecla carpophora Hewitson 1868
Thecla carteia Hewitson, 1870
Thecla carteri Weeks 1906
Thecla carthaea Hewitson 1868
Thecla castimonia Druce 1907
Thecla catadupa Hewitson 1869
Thecla catalasquensis Hayward 1967
Thecla catrea Hewitson 1874
Thecla cauter Druce 1907
Thecla cecina Hewitson 1868
Thecla ceglusa Hewitson 1868
Thecla celelata Hewitson 1874
Thecla celmus Cramer 1779
Thecla centoripa Hewitson 1868
Thecla centuncula Draudt 1920
Thecla ceranus Godart 1823
Thecla cerata Hewitson 1877
Thecla ceromia Hewitson 1877
Thecla cestri Reakirt 1866
Thecla cethegus Stoll 1790
Thecla cetra Draudt 1920
Thecla chalcis Edwards 1869
Thecla chaluma Schaus 1902
Thecla chalybeia Leech 1890
Thecla chione Goodson 1945
Thecla chiton Fabricius 1793
Thecla chlamydem Druce 1907
Thecla chlamys Druce 1907
Thecla chloris Hewitson 1877
Thecla chonida Hewitson 1874
Thecla christophei Comstock & Huntington 1943
Thecla cincinata Hewitson
Thecla cinerea Lathy 1936
Thecla cithonius Godart 1823
Thecla citima Edwards 1881
Thecla clarina Hewitson 1874
Thecla clarissa Draudt 1920
Thecla cleocha Hewitson 1870
Thecla cleon Fabricius 1775
Thecla clepsydra Druce 1907
Thecla coccineifrons Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla cockaynei Goodson 1945
Thecla coelestis Leech
Thecla coelicolor Butler & Druce 1872
Thecla collustra Druce 1907
Thecla colombiola Strand
Thecla color Druce 1907
Thecla columbicola Strand 1929
Thecla columbinia Strand 1929
Thecla comae Druce 1907
Thecla commodus Felder & Felder 1865
Thecla conchylium Druce 1907
Thecla confusa Jörgensen 1934
Thecla confusa Lathy 1936
Thecla conoveria Schaus 1902
Thecla cornae Druce 1907
Thecla corolena Hewitson 1874
Thecla coronata Hewitson 1865
Thecla coronta Hewitson 1874
Thecla correntina Hayward 1967
Thecla cos Druce 1907
Thecla cosa Hewitson 1867
Thecla courvoisieri Oberthür 1908
Thecla crambusa Hewitson 1874
Thecla crepundia Druce 1909
Thecla crethona Hewitson 1874
Thecla crines Druce 1907
Thecla crispisulcans Draudt 1920
Thecla crossaea Hewitson 1874
Thecla cruenta Gosse 1880
Thecla cupa Druce 1907
Thecla cupentus Cramer 1782
Thecla cuprea Lathy 1930
Thecla curtira Schaus 1902
Thecla cyanus Draudt 1920
Thecla cybele Godman & Salvin 1896
Thecla cyda Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla cydia Hewitson 1874
Thecla cydonia Druce 1890
Thecla cydrara Hewitson 1868
Thecla cygnus Edwards 1871
Thecla cyllarissus Herbst 1800
Thecla cynara Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla cyphara Hewitson, 1874
Thecla cypria Hübner 1837
Thecla cyrriana Hewitson 1874
Thecla dama Druce 1875
Thecla danaus Felder & Felder 1865
Thecla daraba Hewitson 1867
Thecla datitia Jones 1912
Thecla davara Hewitson 1868
Thecla deborrei Capronnier 1874
Thecla deidamia Burmeister 1879
Thecla deliciae Druce 1907
Thecla demilineata Lathy 1936
Thecla demonassa Hewitson 1868
Thecla denarius Butler & Druce 1872
Thecla deniva Hewitson 1874
Thecla deria Moore 1865
Thecla desdemona Hewitson 1867
Thecla desgodinsi Oberthür 1886
Thecla detesta Clench 1946
Thecla diaguita Hayward 1950
Thecla diamantina Oberthür 1879
Thecla dicaea Hewitson, 1874
Thecla dicaeoides Lathy 1936
Thecla dicina Draudt 1920
Thecla dickiei Weeks 1901
Thecla didymaon Cramer 1779
Thecla dindus Fabricius 1793
Thecla dindymus Cramer 1776
Thecla dinus Hewitson 1867
Thecla dion Schaller 1788
Thecla dissentanea Draudt 1921
Thecla distractus Clench 1946
Thecla dodava Hewitson 1877
Thecla dohertii De Nicéville 1889
Thecla dolium Druce 1907
Thecla dolylas Cramer 1779
Thecla dominicana Lathy 1904
Thecla dorcas Druce 1907
Thecla doryasa Hewitson, 1874
Thecla draudti Lathy 1926
Thecla drucei Lathy 1926
Thecla dryope Edwards 1870
Thecla dubiosa Lathy 1936
Thecla ducalis Westwood [1851]
Thecla duma Hewitson 1878
Thecla dydimaon Cramer 1777
Thecla ecbatana Hewitson 1868
Thecla echelta Hewitson 1867
Thecla echinita Schaus 1902
Thecla echion Godart 1823
Thecla edwardsi Scudder 1870
Thecla elana Hewitson 1874
Thecla electryon Goodson 1945
Thecla elegans Lathy 1936
Thecla eliatha Hewitson 1867
Thecla elika Hewitson 1867
Thecla elis Cramer 1782
Thecla ella Draudt 1919
Thecla ellida Hewitson 1867 +
Thecla elongata Hewitson 1870
Thecla elwesi Leech 1890
Thecla ematheon Cramer 1779
Thecla emendatus Druce 1907
Thecla emessa Hewitson 1867
Thecla empusa Hewitson 1867
Thecla endela Hewitson 1874
Thecla endera Hewitson 1867
Thecla endymion Fabricius 1781
Thecla endymion Fabricius 1793
Thecla enenia Hewitson 1867
Thecla entheoides Oberthür 1913
Thecla epidius Godman & Salvin, 1887
Thecla episcopalis Fassl 1912
Thecla epopeoides Schaus 1902
Thecla epytus Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla erema Hewitson 1867
Thecla eremica Hayward 1950
Thecla eretria Hewitson 1867
Thecla ergeus Godart 1823
Thecla ergina Hewitson 1867
Thecla ericeta Hewitson 1867
Thecla ericusa Hewitson 1867
Thecla erix Cramer 1779
Thecla eronos Druce 1890
Thecla erthyrozona Rober
Thecla erybathis Hewitson 1867
Thecla eryssus Herbst 1800
Thecla erythrozona Röber 1927
Thecla esmeralda Jones 1912
Thecla essus Herrich-Schäffer 1852/58
Thecla ethemon Cramer 1776
Thecla eumorpha Hayward 1950
Thecla eunus Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla euptychia Draudt 1920
Thecla eurytulus Hübner 1819 +
Thecla excisicosta Dyar 1913
Thecla exiguus Druce 1907
Thecla exoleta Edwards 1881
Thecla fabulla Hewitson 1868
Thecla facuna Hewitson 1877
Thecla falacer Boisduval & Le Conte 1833
Thecla falerina Hewitson 1867
Thecla fancia Jones 1912
Thecla fasciata Janson 1878
Thecla fassli Druce 1912
Thecla faunalia Hewitson 1868
Thecla felderi Goodson 1945
Thecla feretria Hewitson 1878
Thecla fernanda Jones 1912
Thecla fessa Möschler 1883
Thecla fidelia Hewitson 1874
Thecla flavaria Ureta 1958
Thecla floralia Druce 1907
Thecla floreus Druce 1907
Thecla flosculus Druce 1907
Thecla formosana Matsumura 1910
Thecla forsteri Esaki & Shirôzu 1948
Thecla fortuna Druce 1907
Thecla fostera Schaus 1902
Thecla foyi Schaus 1902
Thecla francis Weeks 1901
Thecla furcifer Druce 1907
Thecla furina Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla gabatha Hewitson 1870
Thecla gabelus Godart 1823
Thecla gabina Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla gabriel Godart 1823
Thecla gabriela Cramer 1775
Thecla gabrielis Donovan 1823
Thecla gabrielis Fabricius 1781
Thecla gabrielis Leech
Thecla gadira Hewitson 1867
Thecla gaina Hewitson 1870
Thecla galliena Hewitson 1877
Thecla gamma Druce 1909
Thecla gargara Hewitson 1868
Thecla gargophia Hewitson 1877
Thecla gaumeri Godman 1901
Thecla gauna Boisduval 1870
Thecla geba Hewitson 1877
Thecla gedrosia Hewitson 1868
Thecla geminata Draudt 1920
Thecla gemma Druce 1907
Thecla genena Hewitson 1867
Thecla gentiana Druce 1907
Thecla getus Fabricius 1787
Thecla giapor Schaus 1902
Thecla gibberosa Hewitson 1867
Thecla gigantea Hewitson 1867
Thecla ginzii Seok 1936
Thecla gispa Hewitson 1865
Thecla gizela Hewitson 1877
Thecla gloriosa Lathy 1930
Thecla gnosia Hewitson 1868
Thecla godmani Goodson 1945
Thecla goleta Hewitson 1877
Thecla goodsoni Clemch 1946
Thecla grandis Felder & Felder 1862
Thecla guacanagari Wallengren 1860
Thecla guapila Schaus 1913
Thecla guayra Jörgensen 1935
Thecla guzauta Schaus 1902
Thecla halala Hewitson 1868
Thecla hamila Jones 1912
Thecla harrietta Weeks 1901
Thecla havila Hewitson 1865
Thecla heloisa Möschler 1883
Thecla hemon Cramer 1775
Thecla heodes Druce 1909
Thecla heraclides Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla heraldica Dyar 1914
Thecla herodotus Fabricius 1793
Thecla herri Fielder?
Thecla hesperitis Butler & Druce 1872
Thecla hesychia Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla hicetes Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla hisbon Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla hosmeri Weeks 1906
Thecla hostis Schaus 1902
Thecla humber Schaus 1902
Thecla hyacinthus Cramer 1775
Thecla hyas Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla hybla Druce 1907
Thecla hygela Hewitson 1868
Thecla hypocrita Schaus 1913
Thecla hypoliedes Hayward 1967
Thecla hypsea Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla iamble Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla ibara Butler 1881
Thecla ilavia Beutenmüller 1899
Thecla illex Schaus 1902
Thecla imma Prittwitz 1865
Thecla inachus Cramer 1775
Thecla inconspicua Lathy 1930
Thecla inflammata Alphéraky 1889
Thecla ingae Sepp 1848
Thecla inoa Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla inorata Grote & Robinson 1868
Thecla inornata Lathy 1936
Thecla insignis Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla instita Druce 1907
Thecla interjecta Verity
Thecla ion Druce 1890 +
Thecla iopas Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla iroides Boisduval, 1852 +
Thecla irus Godart 1823
Thecla ismarus Cramer 1779
Thecla itys Edwards 1882
Thecla ixion Fabricius 1775
Thecla jactator Druce 1907
Thecla jago Comstock & Huntington 1943
Thecla janthina Hewitson 1867 +
Thecla janthodonia Dyar 1918
Thecla japola Jones 1912
Thecla japonica Wileman
Thecla johnsoni Skinner 1904
Thecla joya Dognin 1895
Thecla juicha Reakirt 1866
Thecla kali Strecker 1878
Thecla kalikimaka Clench 1944
Thecla kanonis Matsumura 1929
Thecla katakirii Sonan 1933
Thecla katura Hewitson 1865
Thecla keila Hewitson 1869
Thecla kuscheli Ureta 1949
Thecla kwangtungensis Forster 1947
Thecla labes Druce 1907
Thecla laceyi Barnes & McDunnough 1910
Thecla laconia Hewitson 1868
Thecla lais Leech 1893
Thecla lampetia Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla lanckena Schaus 1902
Thecla laothoe Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla larseni Lathy 1936
Thecla latagus Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla latreillii Hewitson 1865
Thecla laudonia Hewitson 1867
Thecla ledaea Hewitson 1868
Thecla leechii De Nicéville 1892
Thecla legota Hewitson 1877
Thecla legytha Hewitson 1874
Thecla lemnos Druce 1890
Thecla lemuria Hewitson 1868
Thecla lenis Capronnier 1874
Thecla leos Schaus 1913
Thecla letha Watson 1896
Thecla leucogyna Felder & Felder 1865
Thecla leucophaeus Hübner 1818
Thecla levis Druce 1907
Thecla licinia Mabille 1878
Thecla ligia Hewitson 1877
Thecla ligurina Hewitson 1874
Thecla lilacina Lathy 1930
Thecla limenia Hewitson 1868
Thecla lincus Godart 1824
Thecla lineata Lathy 1936
Thecla liparops Boisduval 1833
Thecla lisus Stoll 1790
Thecla literatus Druce 1907
Thecla loki Skinner 1907
Thecla lollia Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla longuloides Clench 1945
Thecla lophis Druce 1912
Thecla lorata Grote & Robinson 1867
Thecla lorea Möschler 1883
Thecla lorina Hewitson 1874
Thecla lotis Goodson 1945
Thecla lotis Strecker 1878
Thecla loxurina Felder & Felder 1865 +
Thecla lucagus Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla lucaris Weeks 1901
Thecla lucena Hewitson 1868
Thecla lutea Hewitson 1865 +
Thecla lutzi Huntington 1932
Thecla lycabas Cramer 1779
Thecla lyde Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla lydia Kirby 1871/77
Thecla lydus Hübner 1816
Thecla mackwoodi Evans 1914
Thecla maculata Lathy 1936
Thecla madie Weeks 1906
Thecla maeonis Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla maesites Herrich-Schäffer 1864 +
Thecla maevia Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla malina Hewitson 1867
Thecla malvania Hewitson 1867
Thecla malvina Hewitson 1867
Thecla mandara Doherty 1886
Thecla mantica Druce 1907
Thecla maraches Druce 1912
Thecla marcidus Riley 1921 +
Thecla margarita Draudt 1920
Thecla margaritacea Draudt 1921
Thecla marius Lucas 1857
Thecla marmous Druce
Thecla martialis Herrich-Schäffer 1864
Thecla mathewi Hewitson, 1874
Thecla matho Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla mazurka Hewitson 1867
Thecla mecrida Hewitson, 1867 +
Thecla megacles Cramer 1782
Thecla megamede Prittwitz 1865
Thecla megarus Godart 1823
Thecla melba Hewitson 1877
Thecla melibaeus Fabricius 1793 +
Thecla melidor Druce 1909
Thecla melimus Dufrane 1939 +
Thecla melleus Druce 1907
Thecla melli Forster 1946
Thecla melma Schaus 1913
Thecla melpomene Leech 1890
Thecla melzeri Spitz 1931
Thecla mera Janson 1877
Thecla metanira Hewitson 1867
Thecla metunira Hewitson
Thecla mimas Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla mimula Draudt 1920
Thecla minerva Leech 1890
Thecla minniles Dyar 1916
Thecla minthe Godman & Salvin 1877
Thecla minyia Hewitson 1867
Thecla mirabelle Barnes 1900
Thecla mirabilis Lathy 1930
Thecla miranda Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla mirma Hewitson 1878
Thecla mishma Hewitson 1878
Thecla modesta Comstock & Huntington 1943
Thecla moesites Herrich-Schäffer 1864
Thecla moncus Fabricius 1781
Thecla monica Hewitson 1867
Thecla mossi Edwards 1881
Thecla muatta Hewitson 1877
Thecla muattina Schaus 1902
Thecla muela Dyar 1913
Thecla mulsus Druce 1907
Thecla mulucha Hewitson 1867
Thecla munditia Druce 1907
Thecla murex Druce 1907
Thecla muridosca Druce, 1907
Thecla mushana Matsumura 1929
Thecla mutina Hewitson 1867
Thecla mycon Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla myron Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla myrsina Hewitson 1874
Thecla myrtea Hewitson 1867
Thecla myrtusa Hewitson 1867
Thecla nana Felder & Felder 1865
Thecla nannidon Burmeister 1878
Thecla nebis Godart 1823
Thecla neis Oberthür 1913
Thecla neoperplexa Barnes & Benjamin 1923
Thecla neora Hewitson 1869
Thecla nerva Hewitson 1867
Thecla netesca Draudt 1920
Thecla nigroflavus Goeze
Thecla nisaee Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla nitetis Godman & Salvin, 1887
Thecla nitor Druce 1907
Thecla nivepunctata Druce 1907
Thecla nobilis Herrich-Schäffer 1853
Thecla nora Jones 1912
Thecla norax Godman & Salvin, 1887
Thecla normahal Schaus 1902
Thecla nortia Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla nota Druce 1907
Thecla nubes Druce 1907
Thecla nubilum Druce 1907
Thecla nugar Schaus 1902
Thecla numen Druce 1907
Thecla obelus Druce 1907
Thecla oberthueri Staudinger 1887
Thecla obliterata Lathy 1936
Thecla obsoleta Lathy 1926
Thecla oceia Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla ocrida Hewitson 1868
Thecla odinus Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla ohausi Spitz 1933
Thecla olbia Hewitson 1867 +
Thecla oleris Druce 1907
Thecla opacitas Druce 1907
Thecla opalia Hewitson 1868
Thecla opaliana Hayward 1967
Thecla ophelia Hewitson 1867
Thecla ophia Hewitson 1868
Thecla opisena Druce 1912
Thecla orasus Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla orcidia Hewitson 1874
Thecla orcillula Strand 1929
Thecla oreala Hewitson, 1868
Thecla orios Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla ornata Leech 1890
Thecla ornatrix Druce 1907
Thecla ornea Hewitson 1868
Thecla orobia Hewitson 1867
Thecla orobiana Hewitson 1867 +
Thecla orocana Druce 1912
Thecla orses Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla orsilla Hewitson 1874
Thecla orsina Hewitson 1877
Thecla ortaloides Lathy 1930
Thecla ortalus Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla oslari Dyar 1904
Thecla ostia Hewitson 1867
Thecla otoheba Dyar 1914
Thecla ouvrardi Riley 1939
Thecla oxida Hewitson 1870
Thecla pactya Hewitson 1874
Thecla paetus Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla palegon Cramer 1782
Thecla palumbes Druce 1907
Thecla pan Drury 1773
Thecla paphia Felder & Felder 1865
Thecla paphlagon Felder & Felder 1865
Thecla paralus Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla paron Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla parthenia Hewitson 1874
Thecla paseo Lucas 1857
Thecla patrius Leech 1891
Thecla paupera Felder & Felder 1865
Thecla pavo De Nicéville 1887
Thecla peculiaris Lathy 1930
Thecla pedusa Hewitson 1867
Thecla peona Hewitson 1874
Thecla peonida Draudt 1921
Thecla percomis Leech 1893
Thecla pereza Butler 1877
Thecla perisus Druce 1907
Thecla perola Hewitson 1867
Thecla perpenna Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla persimilis Riley 1939
Thecla peruviana Erschoff 1876
Thecla peruviana Lathy 1936
Thecla petaurister Druce 1907
Thecla petelina Hewitson 1877
Thecla petilla Hewitson 1868
Thecla petus Fabricius 1793
Thecla petus Godart 1824
Thecla phacana Draudt 1920
Thecla phaea Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla phaenna Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla phalanthus Cramer 1780
Thecla pharus Druce 1907
Thecla phegeus Hewitson 1865
Thecla philinna Hewitson 1868
Thecla phobe Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla phoenissa Hewitson 1867
Thecla phoster Druce 1907 +
Thecla photeinos Druce 1907
Thecla photismos Druce 1907
Thecla phrosine Druce 1909
Thecla phrutus Hübner 1832
Thecla phrynisca Burmeister 1878
Thecla phydela Hewitson 1867 +
Thecla picentia Hewitson 1868
Thecla picquenardi Oberthür 1913
Thecla picus Druce 1907
Thecla piplea Godman & Salvin 1896
Thecla pisidula Druce 1907
Thecla plusios Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla polama Schaus 1902
Thecla polybe Linnaeus 1763
Thecla porphyreticus Druce 1907
Thecla porphyritis Druce 1907
Thecla porthura Druce 1907
Thecla portoena Clench 1945
Thecla prattei Leech 1890
Thecla pratti Leech 1889
Thecla praxis Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla pretiosa Staudinger 1886
Thecla proba Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla pseudarenia Giacomelli 1928
Thecla pseudolongula Clench 1945
Thecla publica Draudt 1923
Thecla publica Röber 1923
Thecla pudica Edwards 1877
Thecla pulchritudo Druce 1907
Thecla punctum Herrich-Schäffer 1852
Thecla punona Clench 1944
Thecla puppius Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla pura Draudt 1921
Thecla purissima Draudt 1920
Thecla purpura Druce 1907
Thecla purpurantes Druce 1907
Thecla purpuriticus Druce 1907
Thecla putnami Edwards 1877
Thecla pythagoras Fabricius 1793
Thecla quadrimaculata Hewitson 1874
Thecla quassa Draudt 1920
Thecla quercivora Staudinger 1887
Thecla radiatio Druce 1907
Thecla ravus Druce 1907
Thecla regina Butler 1881
Thecla renidens Draudt 1920
Thecla restricta Lathy 1936
Thecla rhodope Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla rhymnus Eversmann 1832
Thecla rickmanni Schaus 1902
Thecla rileyi Forster 1946
Thecla rita Goodson 1945
Thecla rocena Hewitson 1867 +
Thecla rojasi Ureta 1958
Thecla romulus Fabricius 1793
Thecla rubicundula Leech 1890
Thecla rubifer Druce 1907
Thecla rufofusca Hewitson 1877
Thecla rugatus Druce 1907
Thecla rumaniae Cosmovici 1892
Thecla rustan Stoll 1790
Thecla rutila Mabille 1878
Thecla sabinus Felder & Felder 1865
Thecla sadiei Weeks 1901
Thecla saitua Tytler 1915
Thecla sala Hewitson 1867
Thecla salaeides Draudt 1921
Thecla salona Hewitson 1868
Thecla sanctissima Jörgensen 1935
Thecla sangala Hewitson 1868
Thecla sanguinalis Burmeister 1878
Thecla santans Dyar 1926
Thecla sapota Hewitson 1877
Thecla sarita Skinner 1895
Thecla schausa Jones 1912
Thecla schausi Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla schryveri Cross 1937
Thecla scopas Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla sedecia Hewitson 1874
Thecla seitzi Spitz 1931
Thecla selika Hewitson 1874
Thecla selina Hewitson 1869
Thecla semones Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla sendiga Hewitson 1874
Thecla senta Draudt 1920
Thecla serapio Godman and Salvin 1887
Thecla sergius Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla sesara Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla sesara Godman 1901
Thecla sethon Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla sheridanii Edwards
Thecla sicheus Cramer 1777
Thecla silenissa Herbst 1800
Thecla silenus Cramer 1780
Thecla silumena Hewitson 1867
Thecla simasca Draudt 1920
Thecla sinemacula Thierry-Mieg 1910
Thecla sinnis Godart 1823
Thecla sista Hewitson 1867
Thecla sito Boisduval 1836
Thecla smaragdus Druce 1907
Thecla socia Hewitson 1868
Thecla sophocles Fabricius 1793
Thecla sospes Draudt 1920
Thecla spadix Edwards 1881
Thecla spinctorum Boisduval
Thecla splendor Druce 1907
Thecla sponsa Möschler 1876
Thecla spurina Hewitson 1867 +
Thecla spurius Felder & Felder 1865
Thecla stigmatos Druce 1890
Thecla stiktos Druce 1890
Thecla stilbia Hewitson 1867
Thecla strephon Fabricius 1775 +
Thecla strigosa Morris 1862
Thecla strophius Godart 1823
Thecla subflorens Schaus 1913
Thecla suda Draudt 1920
Thecla sulgeri Oberthür 1908
Thecla sumptuosa Druce 1907
Thecla sycena Hewitson 1874
Thecla syedra Hewitson 1867
Thecla sylea Hewitson 1867
Thecla syllis Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla tabena Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla tacita Edwards 1881
Thecla tadita Hewitson 1877
Thecla tagyra Hewitson 1865
Thecla tagyroides Lathy 1930
Thecla taiheizana Nomura 1931
Thecla talama Schaus 1902
Thecla talayra Hewitson, 1868 +
Thecla talboti Lathy 1936
Thecla taminella Schaus 1902
Thecla tamos Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla tarania Hewitson 1868
Thecla tarena Hewitson 1874
Thecla tarpa Godman & Salvin 1887
Thecla taunayi Spitz 1931
Thecla tayai Esaki & Shirôzu 1948
Thecla teatea Hewitson 1868
Thecla tegaea Hewitson 1868
Thecla telemus Cramer 1775
Thecla tella Schaus 1902
Thecla tema Hewitson 1867
Thecla temathea Hewitson 1865
Thecla temella Strand 1929
Thecla tephraeus Hübner 1837
Thecla terentia Hewitson 1868
Thecla teresina Hewitson 1878
Thecla tetra Edwards 1870
Thecla teucria Hewitson 1868
Thecla thabena Hewitson 1868
Thecla thales Fabricius 1793
Thecla thalesa Hewitson 1867
Thecla thama Hewitson 1877
Thecla thara Hewitson 1867
Thecla thargelia Burmeister 1878
Thecla theia Hewitson 1870
Thecla thenca Möschler 1883
Thecla theocritus Fabricius 1793
Thecla thespia Hewitson 1870
Thecla thespis Leech 1890
Thecla thius Hübner 1832
Thecla thoria Hewitson 1869
Thecla thyesta Hewitson 1869
Thecla thyrea Hewitson 1867
Thecla tiasa Hewitson 1869
Thecla tigonia Schaus 1902
Thecla timoclea Hewitson 1870
Thecla tityrus Felder & Felder 1865
Thecla togarna Hewitson 1867 +
Thecla tollus Lucas 1857
Thecla tolmides Felder & Felder 1865
Thecla tomlinsoni Druce 1909
Thecla torfrida Hewitson 1867
Thecla torris Druce 1907
Thecla toussainti Comstock & Huntington 1943
Thecla trebonia Hewitson 1870
Thecla trinitatis Lathy 1936
Thecla triquetra Hewitson 1865
Thecla tristis Lathy 1926
Thecla trivaldskyi Lederer 1855
Thecla trochus Druce 1907
Thecla tuneta Hewitson 1865
Thecla tyleri Dyar 1913
Thecla tympania Hewitson 1869
Thecla tyriam Druce 1907
Thecla tyrianthina Butler 1881
Thecla tyrrius Druce 1907
Thecla ufentina Hewitson 1868
Thecla ulia Dyar 1913
Thecla umbratus Geyer 1837
Thecla umbratus Hübner 1837
Thecla una Hewitson 1873
Thecla undulata Hewitson 1867
Thecla upupa Druce 1907
Thecla uterkudante Druce 1907
Thecla uzza Hewitson 1873
Thecla valentina Berg 1896
Thecla vallonia Oberthür 1913
Thecla variegata Lathy 1936
Thecla velina Hewitson 1868
Thecla vena Druce 1907 +
Thecla venustus Druce 1907
Thecla verania Hewitson, 1868
Thecla verbenaca Druce 1907
Thecla vesper Druce 1909
Thecla vesulus Cramer 1782
Thecla veterator Druce 1907
Thecla vevenae Dyar 1918
Thecla viceta Hewitson 1868
Thecla vidulus Druce 1907
Thecla vieca Schaus 1902
Thecla viggia Dyar 1918
Thecla villia Hewitson 1869
Thecla viola Draudt 1920
Thecla violacea Lathy 1936
Thecla viresco Druce 1907
Thecla viridicans Felder & Felder 1865
Thecla voltinia Hewitson 1869
Thecla volumen Druce 1907
Thecla volupia Hewitson 1874
Thecla vomiba Schaus 1902
Thecla vulnerator Staudinger 1888
Thecla wagenknechti Ureta 1948
Thecla watarii Matsumura 1927
Thecla watsoni Huntington 1932
Thecla werneri Hering & Hopp 1925
Thecla wernickei Röber 1903
Thecla wickhami Riley 1919
Thecla wilhelmina Kirby 1871/77
Thecla wittfeldi Edwards 1883
Thecla wittfieldi Berry
Thecla xenophon Fabricius 1793
Thecla xorema Schaus 1902 +
Thecla yakushimaensis Yazaki 1923
Thecla yangi Riley 1939
Thecla yojoa Reakirt 1866
Thecla zava Hewitson 1878
Thecla zebina Hewitson 1860
Thecla ziba Hewitson 1868
Thecla zigira Hewitson 1869
Thecla ziha Hewitson 1865
Thecla zilda Hewitson 1873
Thecla zoe Reakirt 1866
Thecla zotelistes Oberthür 1913
Thecla zulia Tutt
Thecla zurkvitzi Schaus 1902
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If you have any additional information about the Brown Hairstreak Thecla betulae please leave us a comment below. Thank you!